Brightening your skin has never been easier with a papaya face mask. This recipe for the essential facial treatment can help eliminate dark spots and diminish wrinkles, giving your complexion an instant lift. Plus, it smells great! The key to a brightening mask is using lots of fruits, herbs, and grains like ginger root, turmeric, saffron, wheat germ, and honey or agave syrup.

Many papaya masks use avocado to create an oily base that will help seal in moisture from the air when you’re not wearing makeup, so make sure that you read up on what kind of ingredients this super-food contains before you start. A brightening mask is great if your skin is feeling dull and dry, but it can also provide you with a boost when your skin is in recovery mode.

Though the ingredients are all-natural, you’ll want to make sure you use organic products when you decide to go this route. Organic soy milk, honey, and papayas are all readily available in your local grocery or health food store. While turmeric and wheat germ will be harder to find, they’re well worth searching! You may also want to consider making masks for both sides of your face because brightening your left side can help even the tone on your right side.

You’ll want to start by washing your face with a gentle cleanser and warm water to open your pores. After gently patting your face dry, apply the mask starting from the center of your face and working out to your forehead, cheeks, and chin. You may want to set a timer for 15 minutes and relax while the mask works its magic. When the timer goes off, rinse any excess product using lukewarm water. Your face will be silky smooth and ready for a moisturizer or lotion that you can use on your skin after it dries.

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